
"The Scarred Transporter" Video-Installation Making-of_

Consisting of three Full HD video channels, "The Scarred Transporter" aims to document the  Terramar performance whose main goal is to confront technological utopianism with some clear abuses consumer society commits on its behalf. To do so, this piece uses a deceiving, often times preposterous strategy along with contrasting, desolate landscape and seascape footage shot in the Andes mountain range, the Argentine Patagonia and the Bardenas Reales of Navarre desert.

(1) TST - Desert Findings
(2) TST - Glacier Findings
(3) TST - Lap Zero & The Terramar Performance

TST - Desert Findings, 2013 (video still)

An interdisciplinary project created and produced with the support of the Spanish Ministry of Culture

Visual Arts Grant awarded by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia